


Illustration Credits

The illustrations featured in Land Back: A Yellowhead Institute Red Paper are by Cree-Metis artist, illustrator and author, Julie Flett.

We want to offer special thanks to Julie and her publishers for the use of her beautiful artwork. While the Red Paper includes a discussion of state violence, it is our hope that it also expresses a commitment to Indigenous life. For us, that’s what Julie’s work represents.

Images are from the following books:

  • A Day With Yayah by Nicola Campbell (Author), Julie Flett (Illustrator) Tradewind Books (2017)
  • The Girl and the Wolf by Katherena Vermette (Author), Julie Flett (Illustrator) Theytus Books (2019)
  • Dragonfly Kites by Tomson Highway (Author), Julie Flett (Illustrator) Fifth House Publishers; Bilingual edition (2018)
  • We All Count: Book of Cree Numbers, Art by Julie Flett, Images courtesy of Native Northwest (2014)
  • Black Bear Red Fox: Colours in Cree, Art by Julie Flett, Image courtesy of Native Northwest (2017)

Illustrations are not to be used or reproduced without express permission.

Design Credits

Website design and development by Anita Sekharan and Yumi Numata.

Land Back: A Yellowhead Institute Red Paper Art Direction by Anita Sekharan.

Timelapse Map

David Carruthers, PlanLab Ltd, November 2018.

The map of Canada at the top of the Red Paper site depicts mining claim expansion on Indigenous territories from 1982-2018. Yellowhead has modified the map to the depict symbolic Land Back from 2019 onwards. 

The animation is illustrative only. Provincial mining tenure data is not standardized in Canada and provincial mining exploration data are reported differently. In Alberta, for example, exploration data was not available for the years prior to 2002.


While the analysis in the Red Paper was driven by the Yellowhead network of research collaborators and supported by a team of researchers (mentioned in the acknowledgements) the authors of the report are primarily Yellowhead Institute Directors, Shiri Pasternak and Hayden King. A breakdown of authorship by section:

  • Preface – Hayden King
  • Executive Summary – Shiri Pasternak and Hayden King
  • The Spectrum of Consent – Hayden King and Shiri Pasternak
  • Alienation – Shiri Pasternak
  • Recognition – Shiri Pasternak
  • Reclamation – Hayden King and Riley Yesno
  • The Continuation of Life – Hayden King


The Red Paper Project is supported through a partnership with the Laidlaw Foundation. Thanks in particular to Jehad Aliweiwi and Betul Keles for their guidance and commitment. And to those at Ryerson for their ongoing contributions to Yellowhead work, especially Dean of Arts Pamela Sugiman and Director of Development in University Advancement, Allison Urowitz.


We are in debt to the network of Red Paper research collaborators, individuals from across the country working towards land back for their own communities, who joined us at research workshops in Winter 2018 and Summer 2019 and who helped shaped the direction of this work.

Thanks also to our Board of Advisors who refined the analysis here, to David Carruthers of PlanLab for helping inspire the project and for providing technical support along the way, Adam Putter and BadMath for creating the mining alienation map, and a huge thank you to our researchers Fallon Andy, Riley Yesno, Dakota Erutse, Minowaywayjiwan Sinclair, Vanita Clare, Athena Bedassigae-Pheasant, and the “Injunction Team” (Azada Rahi, Carrie Robinson, Marc Krus, Irina Ceric), the Anti-Colonial Committee of the Law Union of Ontario (especially Kim Stanton and Mary Ebert), Shin Imai, Naiomi Metallic, Amar Bhatia and Gina Badger

Land Back

A Yellowhead Institute Red Paper