Mine Sweeper Map
Mine Sweeper Map
This is only the publicly accessible and searchable map of mining claims linked to First Nations in Ontario and Quebec.
Since the modernization of the mining claims process, every claim and consultation happens block-by-block. This map tool is unique because it graphically links hundreds of mining claims into connected blocks, illustrating the scope and scale of extraction. Keep scrolling down this page or click here for more information on how to use and interpret this tool.
Please note that this map draws from a lot of data and may take some time to load initially; the tool is meant to be used on a computer for an optimal experience.

How does the map work?
The box on the right-hand side allows you to select lets which layer you would like to view the map in. This map has three layers: Mapbox, CANVEC and Satellite. The box in the top right corner allows you to select each layer. But what do these layers mean?
- Mapbox: This interface is a simple and general map view.
- CANVEC: Canadian place-names, highways, water bodies, etc.
- Satellite: A photo-realistic view of the land and water.
Additionally, there are two more options you can select: Mining Claims and First Nations
- The green circles represent all First Nations.
- The dark red and bright red blocks represent Mining Claims
By default, the map loads with both of these layers selected, using the Mapbox view.
To search by First Nation, Mining Claim/Corporation or Block Number, enter the relevant information and click on the corresponding option under the search bar.
- Searching by First Nation: All of the First Nations are represented by a green circle. When you click on the circle, you will see a pop up that states the name of the First Nation. The number in brackets is the band number (this data does not show self-governing First Nations or Inuit in Quebec). You will be able to see light red outlines of any mining claims in the surrounding area.
- Searching by Mining Company: If you search for a mining company, all the claims associated with that company will show up in dark red or bright red (depending on the province). When you scroll over these blocks, all those connected to one claim will turn dark green. You can click here, and more information will appear:
- First, the result will show the company name.
- Beside the company name is the ownership stake. A 100% ownership stake obviously means the company wholly owns these claims. But if jointly owned, one or more additional company names will appear, with the percentage of their ownership stake listed beside their name.
- Click the magnifying glass under the company names and the list of their holdings will display in the left-hand toolbar. Click any individual claim and it will expand and magnify on the map.
- The years of active claims are listed and the number of blocks, organized by date.
Clear all search results by clicking on the ‘X’ in the search bar to start fresh.
On the left hand side of the map (still inside the actual map, not the sidebar) there is a small printer icon with options for how to print. The “landscape” option will often give you the best coverage of zoomed-in mining claims to print. In print mode, you also have an option to “save to pdf” if you choose.
FAQS & Things to Note
The map automatically updates on a daily basis, so until something in the provincial systems change, this map will consistently have up-to-date information.
This map does not display treaty boundaries, only the location of reserves. There is no publicly accessible map layer available for the treaties.
This map tool is a pilot project. Based on interest and funding, we will consider expanding it, though this will be dependent on the information available from each province. Please feel free to send us your feedback or requests by emailing info@yellowheadinstitute.org.
This map is a collaboration between the Yellowhead Institute, PlanLab, and BadMath.
If you have any questions or feedback about this map, please send us an email at info@yellowheadinstitute.org.